Spirulina Culture (1-2 week pre order)

This is a live spirulina culture suspended in a liquid growth medium.
The spirulina culture is available separately or as a starter kit with powdered nutrient included for expanding the culture to a larger volume.
The powdered nutrient is also available for separate purchase.
Spirulina is easily grown in any clear container (jar, tank, bottle). It needs a source of light, placing it by a south facing window will help or you can light it with LEDs. IT needs a little agitation (stirring) every day so that all of the cultures fibres can have a turn under the light.
The ideal temperature for growing Spirulina is 27.5ºC but getting as close to that as possible will be ok. It wont die if it's a bit colder (18-25ºC) but growth will be slow - be sure to keep it above 16ºC or it will start to perish!
The first thing you must do when your culture arrives is cut one corner so it can breathe. If there is some time between receiving the package and placing it in a new container, you can keep it in it's packet with the corner cut off held upright in a cup so it doesn't spill.
Each order will be shipped with an easy to understand growing guide. Both the nutrient and the culture are in a separate sealed sachets that are double bagged to avoid leaks.